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PowerOffice: Export payments and receipts to PowerOffice
PowerOffice: Export payments and receipts to PowerOffice

Connect Cardboard with PowerOffice in order to export payments and receipts directly to your accounting.

Jakob Gerhard Martinussen avatar
Written by Jakob Gerhard Martinussen
Updated over 2 months ago

Connect Cardboard to PowerOffice

Navigate to "Accounting" -> "Export", select a month and press the button labeled "Enable PowerOffice add-on".

When the add-on has been added, press the "Connect PowerOffice" button and follow the instructions you presented with in order to allow Cardboard access to export payments and receipts to PowerOffice.

❗If you can't see the "Connect PowerOffice", make sure that you have selected PowerOffice as your accounting system in Cardboard's accounting settings, in the "General" tab.

Configure Cardboard for your PowerOffice accounting

Cardboard will not automatically create suppliers (leverandører), projects (prosjekter), or departments (avdelinger) in PowerOffice. You will have to create these yourselves in PowerOffice and then configure Cardboard subscriptions with the correct codes in "Accounting" -> "Settings".

Where to find the correct accounting codes

You should model your Cardboard as a regular bank account, and you can find valid codes in your charter of accounts (Kontoplan) in PowerOffice's "Meny" -> "Innstillinger" -> "Kontoplan" and enter it into Cardboard (1). Do the same for your default expense account, e.g. "6553 - Programvare - Årlig vedlikehold", and enter it into (2).


Each subscription in Cardboard can be configured with supplier, project, department, custom expense account, and VAT code (momskode) for your accounting in PowerOffice. Only the "Supplier" column is mandatory for export to PowerOffice.

You can find these codes in the following places in PowerOffice:

  • Supplier - "Meny" -> "Leverandører" (under "Kontakter") and use the correct code from the "Leverandørnr" column.

  • Project - "Meny" -> "Prosjekter" (under "Administrer") and use the correct code from the "Kode" column.

  • Department - "Meny" -> "Innstillinger" (under "Administrer") -> "Avdelinger" (under "Firmainnstillinger") and use the correct code from the "Kode" column.

  • Expense account - "Meny" -> "Innstillinger" -> "Kontoplan" and use the correct account number.

Criteria for exporting a payment

Cardboard will only export payments to PowerOffice that satisfy the following criteria:

  • The payment has been matched with a receipt.

  • The subscription has been configured with a supplier number.

Export your monthly accounting to PowerOffice

When you have connected Cardboard to PowerOffice and configured your accounting, you can navigate to "Accounting" -> "Export", select a month, and export your monthly batch of payments by pressing the "Push to PowerOffice" button. If more payments occur in the same month after having exported your monthly batch, you will be presented with a button allowing you to export the new payments. Cardboard will never export the same payment twice unless you press the upwards facing arrow on the right side of an already exported accounting entry.

When transferred to PowerOffice, the items will appear as vouchers to be approved in PowerOffice's "Bilagsføring"-module and will be entered into your general ledger as paid supplier invoices when approved:

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